Food that Keeps Our Skin in Great Shape
Do Collagen Powders Improve Our Skin?
I’m often asked if those collagen powders and supplements you see everywhere will improve our skin. The reality is, we don’t really know, but probably not so much. First of all, collagen is a large protein that our body must break down, as it cannot be absorbed in its whole form. Even if it gets broken down adequately, no studies have shown that collagen you take orally will end up in your skin, hair, or nails at all, let alone instigate improvements there. It is probably more efficient to simply eat foods rich in amino acids (like seeds and nuts), along with peptide rich foods (like pulses and seeds), because these are the building blocks of protein, and this supports our own healthy collagen production. This article from Harvard Health Publishing from Harvard Medical School and this blog from my compatriots in the healthy skin care world and this article in the BBC all conclude that collagen powders are pretty meh when it comes to skin improvement. (I personally don’t spend money on collagen powders, but I do eat seeds, nuts and pulses on the daily.)
What Can We Eat That Will Improve Our Skin?
In addition to amino acids and peptides, we can boost our skin by eating lots of colorful plant foods. The carotenoids in orange, red, and yellow plant foods and the flavonoids in green and purple plant foods (like beets, grapes, pumpkin and all winter squash, sweet potatoes, yams, carrots, bell peppers, cabbage, spinach, broccoli, etc.) are exceptionally beneficial for our skin. Eating these foods frequently helps to keep our skin smoother and more moisturized and may even help to protect against sun damage. (This has been studied and we know this for sure, so please fearlessly eat your pumpkin and broccoli and rest assured it is really good for your skin.) This BBC video explains how colorful plant foods keeps our skin smoother, more moisturized and healthier, and this dermatology article breaks down how colorful plant foods improve our over-all health, which in turn improves our skin.
Colorful Plant Recipes~
“Eating healthy food fills your body with energy and nutrients. Imagine your cells smiling back at you and saying: 'Thank you! '”
~Karen Salmansohn
"Beauty is a deeply personal journey that manifests itself on the inside and outside."
~Hanya Marie
"Your skin is the fingerprint of what is going on inside your body..."
~Dr Georgiana Donadio
“I try to do simple but effective things to keep my skin looking healthy and flawless. I drink tons and tons of water. Also, I believe in eating right. You are what you eat.”
~Anushka Sharma
“Healthy skin is a reflection of overall wellness.”
~Dr Murad
xoxo marna
Blog written by Marna Herrington with Rich Earth Organic Skin Care Studio
Blog copy editing and polishing provided by Karen-Eileen Gordon (
This blog is not intended to take the place of in-person consultations with qualified skin care and health care practitioners. This blog is for the purpose of education and fun only.
All images and text in this blog are under the legal ownership of Rich Earth Organic Skin Care Studio or are unambiguously in the public domain. Permission is not granted for this text or these images to be copied and used out of the context of this blog, or for commercial purposes. If any part of the text is quoted in an article or other blog for educational purposes, a hyperlink to this page must be included.